Tuesday, October 27, 2009

nohup : commands keep executing even you exit from a shell prompt

nohup command if added in front of any command will continue running the command or process even if you shut down your terminal or close your session to machine

nohup command-name &


* command-name : is name of shell script or command name. You can pass argument to command or a shell script.
* & : nohup does not automatically put the command it runs in the background; you must do that explicitly, by ending the command line with an & symbol.


# nohup mysql -q -uUSER1 -pPASS1 < dump.sql > dump.log 2> error.log &




Mark said...

Thanks I import my all dabases of http://www.decasasyautos.com with this method. I like the idea of log the dump output and error output in two differentes files.


repls said...

i can definitely say, when i run a shell script with & but no nohup, when i closed the SSH terminal, and then connect again, the script is running normal.
my os is debian.

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