Kubernetes, often abbreviated as K8s, is an open-source platform designed to automate the deployment, scaling, and management of containerised applications. It provides a framework for running distributed systems resiliently, ensuring high availability, scalability, and efficient resource utilisation.
Key Features of Kubernetes:
- Container Orchestration: Manages and schedules containers across a cluster of machines.
- Self-Healing: Automatically restarts failed containers, replaces unresponsive nodes, and kills unresponsive containers.
- Load Balancing and Service Discovery: Distributes traffic across containers and offers a stable networking interface.
- Scaling: Automatically scales applications up or down based on resource usage or manual input.
- Rollouts and Rollbacks: Ensures smooth updates to applications and allows rolling back to previous versions if something goes wrong.
- Storage Management: Mounts storage systems (local, cloud, or network) to containers.
- Configuration Management: Manages secrets and configuration details securely without embedding them in application code.